Monday 29 August 2011

Time to believe

In the wildness of this ride, I am able to delight in the perfect moments of now. On Friday I discovered that I can actually parallel park with a finger in the babies mouth! Who would ever known this possible? On my driving test I hit the cones but got my license anyway. Clearly I have passed the test. Today this dear boy was handed a kazoo, and knew exactly what to do with it. He didn't even need to 'figure out' that he would have to make a sound while blowing out for it to work. He is only eight months old.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Too long to remember

So much forgotten and now I remember. With the help of one of my fabulous friends I'm back in blog action. My life as wife and mama has settled in some ways, yet in others I am just waking up to this life of ours.
There are the deep joys; baby smiles, giggles and moves. The simple pleasures; ocean dips, making fermented pickles and my kombocha. The struggles seem faint at this moment. I'm loving this moment as my world sleeps.