Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Magic Milk

So here I am, ten years a midwife and four months a mama... I had so many wonderful imaginings of how we would parent our precious bundle of joy. Having seen, heard and read many ideas, theries and ways over the years there is so much to choose from. I'm sure many poeple questioned our plans that we shared. Imagine what those same people would think of the ones we haven't shared with them. So far more then so good. With all those years of considering has come a profound clarity and determination. It feels so delightful to be giving to this baby human in the ways we know honour his being (the way we wish we had been honoured).

Our sweet child has been using a potty (or in the first few weeks a yogurt container)since birth. It is amazing to me how proud a mama I can be, over a pee and/or poop on the pot. This is a fun subject I may blog in future:-). So between using the potty and clothe diapers, baby has not had a rash for more then a day, until last week. I've been using a combination of ground organic corn (for drying) and Shea butter (once dry). Last week the valcro on a cover irritated a spot of his belly. The corn and Shea butter seemed to do nothing for it. Even though for years I have prescribed breastmilk for 'everything', I didn't think to use it on this until yesterday. And today it is mostly healed. When I mentioned to a friend that I was surprised I hadn't thoughtt of this sooner she kindly suggested that this is because I am now a mom!!!in this I realized the distinction between my way as a midwife verse my way as a mama...not mutually exclusive yet not always the same.

1 comment:

  1. I'd been giving breastfeeding advice for 8 years by the time I had Tristan. But in the throes of post-partum fog do you think I could remember some of even the most basic "rules" to think of when dealing with issues? I called my friend LLLL...and it was so good to have someone who could step back and look at the situation without the panicked new mom thoughts and rationalize it all and point out something useful!
