In so many ways this is so. Just as baby turned nine months, outside as long as he was inside (he actually stayed a little more then that, but you get my point) i embarked on a raw detox. The process of offering foods to baby, other then magic milk has been slow and steady. We are committed to only fresh, raw and organic. So in the interest of not denying my baby the foods I'm eating, I realized now is the time to get even more raw! My emotions have been raw since I felt the spirit within, before the pregnancy test. The ride has been wild, been primal, been scary and new. It's been 20 days of raw detoxing....and I'm feeling great, today! Took a long walk with baby on board this afternoon. He is such good company.
With all the cleansing there is a smoothing of emotions and a lightness of being. With yesterday's colonic came a realization. Having never allowed myself to be dependent, and therefor vulnerable, I've pushed through with brute force. This method no longer works for my life, hence some troubled waters. Daddyman & babiest need the vulnerability of mama or 'mum-mum' as baby calls me. And so the raw will continue. This detox has another 8 days, but with any luck my raw mama life will carry far beyond next week.